The Sea Inside
- Szczegóły
- Nadrzędna kategoria: Filmy
- Kategoria: Recenzje filmowe z Guardiana

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"
Alejandro Amenábar has intrigued and wrong-footed audiences in the past with smart pictures like his psychological thriller Open Your Eyes (remade as Vanilla Sky with Tom Cruise) and also The Others, an elegant, Jamesian ghost story starring Nicole Kidman. His new film is an extraordinarily shallow euthanasia weepie, but it has none the less been nominated for a best foreign film Oscar, the Academy evidently feeling more than comfortable with this unchallenging issue movie - which fudges the issue.
The Sea Inside is based on the true story of Ramón Sampedro, a man with quadriplegia who campaigned in Spain for the right to end his own life. Javier Bardem plays Sampedro, a former ship's mechanic who broke his neck as a young man in a diving accident and for nearly 30 years has been looked after by his farmer brother José (Celso Bugallo) and his hard-pressed family, while he pursues his legal case.
Ramón's struggle comes to a crisis when two women separately enter his life: a beautiful lawyer Julia (Belén Rueda) who has reasons for her own for supporting his cause, and Rosa (Lola Dueñas) a local amateur DJ and single mother who falls in love with Ramón and wants to persuade him to embrace life.
The actors do a decent job, but Amenábar's score (which he has composed himself) is sucrose and intrusive and the film often looks simply like a very classy TV movie which embraces the cliches. Ramón himself is droll, humorous, flirtatious and courageous in the approved Hollywood Disabled Person manner.
The only section in which the issues come close to being addressed is a scene in which a Catholic priest with quadriplegia visits Ramón and angrily denounces what he sees as the cant and humbug surrounding the whole idea of "dying with dignity" - if he wants to commit suicide, why doesn't he just say so? This coyness extends to the movie itself: the painful moment of truth for Ramón, when it arrives, is portrayed with a tactfully evasive curtailment and it comes after an outrageously perfunctory Damascene conversion on Rosa's part.
A nice performance from Bardem cannot offer much compensation for this very mediocre film.
cant - obłuda, fałsz
classy - wysokiej klasy, elegancki
commit suicide - popełnić samobójstwo
compensation - rekompensata
coyness - skromność, nieśmiałość
curtailment - ograniczenie, zmniejszenie
decent - przyzwoity
denounce - demaskować, ujawniać
droll - komiczny, zabawny
embrace - ściskać, obejmować
evasive - wykrętny, wymijający
extraordinarily - niezwykle, nadzwyczaj
flirtatious - kokieteryjny
fudge - wyrażać się niejasno, kręcić
hard-pressed - pod presją, pod naciskiem
humbug - oszustwo
intrusive - natrętny
mediocre - średni, przeciętny
none the less - mimo to
outrageously - oburzająco
perfunctory - powierzchowny, pobieżny
pursue - przeprowadzać (sprawę)
quadriplegia - porażenie czterokończynowe
shallow - płytki
smart - elegancki
sucrose - przesłodzony, cukierkowaty
surround - otaczać
unchallenging - nie ambitny, nie stawiający wyzwań
weepie - wyciskacz łez
wrong-foot - postawić kogoś w niezręcznej sytuacji